Mr. Reno Iskandarsyah graduated from YARSI University, Jakarta and gained Master of Law (M.H) from Padjajaran University, Bandung majoring in Business Law. He was admintted to bar in Jakarta since 2000, Lisence no. D.00.12868, a registered Legal Consultant for the capital market no.555/PM/STTD-KH/2005 issued by Capital Market Supervisory Board (BAPEPAM) and member of Indonesian Legal Consultants for Capital Market ID Member No.200705.
Prior to founding I&P, Mr. Iskandarsyah was a Senior Lawyer at several law firms in Jakarta
During 2000 – 2003 he played a significant role in several NGOs i.e. the Legal Aid Foundation Jakarta Institution (LBH Jakarta) and Indonesian Consumers Organization (YLKI). He was an active member of National Transportation safety Commission (NTSC) Department of Communication as a safety Investigator and Legal Counsel, as well as an active member of special group discussion on Draft of various Acts, among others : Mining Act, Tourism Act, IT & Electronic Transaction Act, Water Resources Act, Aviation Act, Shipping Act and Railway Act.
Mr. Iskandarsyah focuses his practice on civil and commercial litigation (class action, legal standing, bankruptcy), alternative dispute resolution (mediation, conciliation, arbitration), corporate commercial matters and industrial relations. Mr. Iskandarsyah has been assisting some national and multinational corporations in various commercial litigation and commercial transactions.
- Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI)
- Indonesian Advocates/ Lawyers Association (HAPI)
- Indonesian Legal Consultant for Capital Market (HKHPM)
- Indonesian Human Rights Lawyers Association (APHI)
- International Consumers Lawyers (ICL)